michael_garfieldIn this week’s episode Michael Garfied and Joanna in an exquisite conversation about paradox, intensity, casuality and the art of fun.


Paleontologist turned performance philosopher, Michael Garfield‘s ecodelic explorations map the evolutionary landscape and our place in it. A contributor to Reality Sandwich & H+ Magazine, a speaker at Burning Man and innumerable other festivals events, and an internet video evangelist for planetary civilization, Michael walks the tightrope between the New Age and the Academe with grace and jazzy sophistication – reminding us that everything is equally art, science, and spiritual practice. De facto cyber-troubadour at the 2010 and 2012 MAPS conferences, he currently writes on human-technology co-evolution and tours the United States marrying acoustic-electronic music, fractal art, and public speaking into mind-opening transmedia performances.



“I Can’t Sit Still”, original music by Evarusnik