

Joanna Harcourt-Smith is invited to speak at an IndigenousWays virtual event, an indigenous women-led nonprofit based in Northern New Mexico, co-founded by Tash Terry and Elena Higgins.

“IndigenousWays promotes living in balance for diverse communities through music, arts, outreach and events. Our vision is to reach Indigenous & LGBTQIA2+ communities through outreach with music, the arts, and indigenous wisdom that creates and enhances survival and sustainability. Our values are expressed in the Diné (Navajo) concept, “Hozho”, which means the Beauty Way of life.”

The Ancestral Mother

The Ancestral Mother

Max Dashu speaks with Joanna about: 50 years of questioning patriarchy and systems of domination and reclaiming the matricultures; searching the history of indigenous cultures before the European colonizations; studying the cultural patterns of what we call patriarchy; the whore labeling, a patriarchal way of discrediting women; divide and conquer, the basic principle of systemic domination; the Mosuo culture of Yunnan, one of the most egalitarian societies on the planet; the historical – not inevitable – process of patriarchalization; a massive pattern across cultures of women, primarily, making clay figurines in the image of the ancestral Mother, the primary pattern of Paleolithic and Neolithic; scriptural religions carriers for the memes of patriarchal thinking; the shared culture of the Great Mother; the fight of the Wet’suwet’en Nation for their ancestral and spiritual rights as land guardians; coming back to core spiritual principles in defense of Earth and life; Chaos and Wisdom, an ancient, sacred mystery rediscovered by the new science of chaos theory; decolonizing ourselves and reclaiming our pathways back to Mother Nature.

Nourishing an Emergent Reality

Nourishing an Emergent Reality

adrienne maree brown speaks with Joanna about: a social justice and liberation activism that feels good; punitive justice versus transformative justice; mercy and seeing the whole of the person; giving ourselves permission to feel everything; nourishing communities allow for a new future; emergent strategy immersions; a key insight of both pleasure activism and emergent strategies; changing the world through small and consistent actions; a way to overcome our guilt; developing a future where whiteness is not at the center; the conversation between black communities and indigenous communities; being willing to work deep at a small scale and build up.

Our Maternal Lineage

Our Maternal Lineage

Cathy Skipper and Florian Birkmayer speak with Joanna about: the need for healing our ancestral story; plant communication and ancestral lineage; the feminine rising in the embodied energy of our mother lineage; finding out who we are beyond trauma; the alchemy of menopause; the wounding of the feminine in men; the healing of the masculine and feminine in relationship; the synchronistic dance of working with the shadow and finding ancestral information; reconnecting with the palpable, nurturing earth energy of our ancestors.

What We Have Forgotten

What We Have Forgotten

Meggan Watterson speaks with Joannna about: Mary Magdalene, a direct connection to the divine; the discovery of the Gospel of Mary Magdalene; a patriarchy-challenging, heart-expanding form of Christianity; the electryfiyng truth in “Thunder, Perfect Mind”; a personal quest and act of devotion; love and the ultimate and radical equality; the sacredness of Earth; finding the naked truth in all the suppressed voices of women; facing the genocide caused by the shadow of Christianity; the vibrant, embodied gnosis of love; waking up from the seven powers in the ego; what we have forgotten; coming home to love.