Your Medicine Chest

Your Medicine Chest

Linda Burnham speaks with Joanna about: the head center as a place of spiritual liberation; our greatest wholeness; the complexity of healing; the natural energies of your hands and heart; the divine impulse in all living things; touching in a sacred manner; “your medicine chest”, medicines in your pantry; a natural remedy for concussions and bruises; the living experience of healing.

Asking the Right Questions

Asking the Right Questions

Daniel Christian Wahl speaks with Joanna about: the feeling behind creating regenerative cultures; the potential of the present moment; the paradox between humility and audacity; the key question about human survival; connecting young people with the living practices of regeneration; acting in urgent times with hope and knowledge; changing the underlying narrative of our culture; feeling the identity with the deep mycelial connection; how we see informs what we see; coming together in planetary collaboration to transform our way of being; sitting with a question in the wilderness.

Bringing Breath to Life

Bringing Breath to Life

Will Johnson speaks with Joanna about: Rumi and the practice of eye gazing; remembering the great wide open throught the felt presence of body and breathing; cannabis, an ally in waking up the vibratory presence of the body; cannabis and the spontaneous dance of Shiva; surrendering to breath and awakening the body; the real value of entheogens; the holding pattern of the egoic mind in the body; breath as the common practice to experience the sacred in the three Abrahamic traditions; Buddha’s instruction for breathing through the whole body; the somatic, palpable experience of oneness of the founders of monotheistic religions; a somatic meditation.

A Vital Paradigm for the Future

A Vital Paradigm for the Future

Thomas Roberts speaks with Joanna about: a course on “psychedelic renaissance”; “mindapps” and “mind design”; psychedelics as “ideagens”; the religious use of psychedelics and a new religious reformation; multi-state theory of the human mind, problem-solving and development in different mindbody states; other forms of intelligence in other mindbody states; rare, unusual, even impossible things for our ordinary mindbody state might be symptoms of a deeper and wider reality; mystical experiences and the increase of psychophysical wellness; ayahuasca takes the lead; transcendence is the real healing.

The First Psychedelic

The First Psychedelic

Mike Jay speaks with Joanna about: a history of the first psychedelic; a long history before Aldous Huxley’s “The Doors of Perception”: Chavín de Huántar, in the Peruvian Andes; the difference between Western approaches and indigenous approaches to these plants; collective, ecstatic bonding; the difference between Huxley and Sartre experiences with mescaline; being with the transfigured world, here and now; Merleau’Ponty and the embodied psychedelic experience; the difference between mescaline and the other psychedelics; the male bias in the Western psychedelic literature; a new generation of women in the psychedelic world; finding a solution beyond the war on drugs; meeting the plants in their own terms.